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Hello, it's me

here is a glimpse about me:

I am an aspiring Full Stack developer, discovered that i enjoy coding for long hours and not out of boredom, it was out passion at the time i did not pay a lot of attention to it since it was COVID and everyone was quarantining, then i thought about the use of technology in my day to day life and i just adore my computer and Playstation and.... Xbox, so now you know i am both an Xbox and Playstation man. I appreciate humour from time to time, anyways ture story but back to the passion discovery subject, first spoke to a couple of people i know about it and they praised how happy they are in every aspect of life and how satisfied are they with their accomplishments, Done alot of thinking myself and decided to start learning on my own and become a professional in the field. done some research and discover CodeCademy and honestly was one of my greatest decisions made becasue i fell in love with programming more so than ever, sat for hours and hours behind a computer and it felt like seconds, and i really enjoyed my time then decided to head over to an institute to achieve a certificate that solidifies my knowledge and to be honest i did a good amount Frontend then with this Full Stack bootcamp i discovered there was alot more to Backend than i had predicted.

I have come along the way, from doing basic operations to being capable of building websites on both Frontend and Backend fields, looking forward to every opportunity out there that would help contribute to building my knowledge and develop my understanding.

Thank you for taking the time and going through my work!